The dentaljourney
A cat with a dog yawning
The dentaljourney
Where are your patients in the dental journey?

Home oral care can be started as soon as pets develop permanent teeth.1 Starting home oral care early in a pet’s life can help make acceptance easier,2 but even for older pets, it’s never too late to start a dental care routine.

Young puppies and kittens

Dog and cat icon
  • The ideal time to start a dental care routine is when pets are still young.
  • Sprays can be a good first step, as they minimise direct contact with the teeth and gums. Owners can then progress to products like wipes, which get pets used to having their teeth and gums touched and facilitate the step toward toothbrushing. However, if owners don’t manage to progress all the way to toothbrushing, products like water additives can be a good add-on.

Dental chew and food candidates

A dog chew icon
  • Dental chews and food only involve premolar and molar teeth, not canines and incisors.
  • Products that address the front teeth, such as sprays or wipes, are a good add-on to cover the areas that dental chews and food don’t reach.

Occasional toothbrushers

A toothbrush icon
  • Toothbrushing decreases plaque by 37% if done daily, 25% if done every other day, and 10% if done weekly.3
  • Occasional toothbrushing can be combined with other products, such as water additives, to increase efficacy without increasing effort.

Scale and polish candidates

A healthy tooth icon
  • To soften calculus before the procedure, products like water additives can be useful. They can also be continued after the procedure,
    when brushing isn’t possible.